
Substitution for psyllium husk in baking

Other phrases — like low-carb and keto diet — are substitution for psyllium husk in baking never used in the same sentence. Keto Kickstart, our doctor-developed program designed to give you real weight loss results.

Check your email to get started with the program. Many people hesitate starting a low-carb or keto diet because the thought of giving up these comforting foods seems too harsh. If you’re one of these people, you can stop stressing. There are plenty of low-carb baked goods that you can enjoy on keto. The Perfect Keto blog is filled with low-carb dessert recipes — and while they shouldn’t make up the bulk of your diet on keto, they’re perfectly fine to consume in moderation. These desserts are made from alternative flours: low-carb, gluten-free flours typically made from ground nuts or seeds.

Below, you’ll learn about each of these flours and how to use them in low-carb baking. Flour is a powder made by grinding raw roots or grains. Some different types of flour include all-purpose flour, bleached, unbleached, white, and wheat. Most flours — like bleached and white flour — are considered simple carbohydrates, with no fiber to slow down digestion. When grain is broken down into flour, the wheat kernel separates into three parts: endosperm, bran, and germ. The endosperm is the center of the grain — with its starchy texture it makes up most of the carbohydrates.

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