
Quick recipe

If you don’t have a bread machine, this is the easiest yeast dough recipe by far. There is no overbearing yeast flavour and it is a good dense quick recipe. Quick Yeast Bread created by Anne B.

Put 4 cups of the flour, yeast, sugar and salt into large bowl. Pour in hot water and oil and mix until combined- it will be sticky. Add the remaining flour in increments until dough is no longer sticky. Knead for about 5 minutes until dough is elastic and smooth.

Punch it down and divide dough into two pieces. Roll pieces long enough to fill two well oiled loaf pans and leave to rise until dough has reached the rim of the pan. Bake at 400F for 40 minutes. Rub hot breads with water and wrap in a teatowel to’sweat’ to soften the crust. Cannot print your easy quick yeast bread recipe? Thank you for this easy and quick recipe!

This is my second attempt at making bread in my lifetime This result was so much better than before! Even though I misread the ingredients and put in more yeast than required, my loaves had a nice crunch to the crust and a light, soft middle, that it didn’t feel like I did anything wrong. Do I need to do anything different using instant yeast? If you don’t have a bread machine, this is the easiest yeast dough recipe by far.

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