
Dojo burger

Stage 1: I Am A Master And Dojo burger! My guitar is in my mind!

She has pale orange fur, dark blue eyes, small sheep ears, a dark brown circular nose, white horns and short red hair. She is usually seen wearing a red midriff bearing t-shirt with a white smiley flower doodle on the front, dark blue long-legged pants, a green wristwatch on her left wrist and pale blue trainers with white soles. In addition, she also carries around a yellow guitar with red parts and a green strap. She is normally a very shy, timid and otherwise sheepish girl who has trouble with various things and lacks a lot of faith in herself.

The only time she isn’t like this is when she has a guitar in her hands, where she becomes completely confident with a bold playing style. Chop Chop mentions that he had lost his dojo, but it remained in his mind along with its own casino. Following this dream, Lammy is thrown into a series of events getting in the way of reaching her concert in time. Whenever she sees or hears mention of a casino, she is reminded of Chop Chop’s words and envisions whatever she’s holding as a guitar, allowing her to have the confidence she has when playing. They first appear at the local hair salon, with Lammy having her hair get fixed by Parappa during good and cool mode.

Lammy, or someone who resembles her, appears in episode 9 of the anime as a background character dancing with an Onion character. As the character does not speak, it is unknown if this is meant to be her. Where Lammy goes, mosh pits follow. Normally she is shy and somewhat nervous when she is in front of people. But, when she has her guitar, she turn into a totally different person.

She really really grabs the stage head on. After they finish, they head to the local dinner, with Lammy wishing to be like Jet Baby. Katy then claims that Lammy is already like him when she’s on the guitar. Later, Lammy dreams about being late for her concert. She then sees Chop Chop Master Onion on-stage. His lyrics provide tutorials and foreshadowing. As they finish, Onion reveals that Lammy’s guitar was actually a vacuum cleaner, which leads to Onion explaining how he lost his Dojo, but still has it in his mind.

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